By Aviva Lee, eHow Contributor Law Office Design Ideas | Execute excellent interior design for the law office. Appropriate office design can attract clients. The converse is true also, especially in today’s world. From the reception room to the inner office to the conference room to the private facilities, all law offices must […]
Five Reasons the Corner Office Should Move to the Middle
Reprinted from a Special to Globe and Mail update by JOHN WARRILLOW. Published Tuesday, Sep. 27, 2011 6:00AM EDT Your office says a lot about your leadership style. As tempting as it is to take the corner office with the great view, it may exact a steep toll in a time of crisis. […]
Categories: Featured Stories
5 Ideas to Improve Your Office Place Focus
Did you know that you can improve focus and productivity in the workplace just by using workplace design techniques? Today, there are entire businesses focused on making your business more productive by rearranging and remodeling office spaces so that workers can become more productive and energetic. There are lots of ways to use design to […]
Categories: Featured Stories
Five Ways to Help Control Costs on a Construction Project
In Today’s tough economic times, sticking as closely to your budget is paramount, especially on big ticket items such as construction costs. Below are five tips that you can employ to help avoid or at the very least manage your construction costs and giving you a better chance to finish on time and on budget. […]
Categories: Featured Stories, News
BOND…BID BOND…A Project Owners Agent.
On occasion we are asked what are the differences between the different types of bonds are. Basically, project owners can request that contractors provide or enter into different types of bonds. Bonds are a method of protecting the project owner. Essentially, bonding is a show of proof that you can comply with the tender contract […]
Categories: Featured Stories, News
Case Study: York University
The Aboriginal Services at York University was created to provide culturally-appropriate support services to the Aboriginal student population; academic advice and personal counseling; liaison and provide advocacy and referrals to on/off-campus resources; liaison with First Nation communities and Aboriginal organizations;
Categories: Case Studies, Featured Stories
Case Study: Rayson Bond
Rayson Bond Lawyers is a law firm that focuses exclusively on Family Law. RB Layer deals with matters ranging from complex property disputes to cases involving custody and access to child support, mediation and divorce.
Categories: Case Studies, Featured Stories
Case Study: Ministry of Culture Consolidation
The Ministry Tourism and Culture provides leadership within the arts and culture community to support a strong and stable culture sector that will help to build vibrant and livable communities and a creative and innovative knowledge-based economy in Ontario.
Categories: Case Studies, Featured Stories
COREPLAN Launches New Website
COREPLAN is pleased and excited to announce the launch of our new website. Designed by Nilavanh Limsakoune, our new website promotes our new corporate colours, as well as, succinctly articulates who we are, what we do, and why we are different. Please browse our site and we would be happy to hear comments you have […]
Categories: Featured Stories, News